Tuesday, March 2, 2010

About This Particular Blog And Some First Thoughts

Hello everybody!

This blog is one of assignments for course New Media & Society, which is taking place on Faculty of Social Science in Ljubljana, Slovenia (well just virtually, real lectures are taking place in the Netherlands). And first of all I should introduce myself. I am post graduate student on Communication Science - Communication, Media and Society program. I graduated last year in Media and Communication studies in Ljubljana and title of my diploma was Media representation of ethical consumerism.

In my four years of undergraduate study I had relatively large amount of courses, which were related to new technologies. I am personally very interested in new media, because I think that it has lot of consequences on our everyday life, from everyday processes like shopping to more delicate topics like democratization or public opinion.Regarding to this seminar I want to upgrade my existing knowledge and I also have plan to write my master degree regarding on new media.

I use some social networks sites like Facebook, I read some blogs (and now I also write one) and personally I try to follow novelties that are on internet. I am everyday surprised with new things that I discover regarding to technology or to changed life as consequence of internet. I also use online literature resources and social science databases like Sage or Ebscohost and I think that these are very handy for students.
Personally I am very interested in new consumer culture that has occurred and changed with spread of internet and online shopping. I would like to know what these changes are and what they brought to process of consuming. And I am also interested in virtual communities such as different forums in connection with consuming and if forums have influence on peoples’ consuming decisions and wishes. Topics that also intrigue me are those which are related to virtual identity. Do people really change their real identity for sake of being someone else on internet? Don Slater (author that wrote article about Social relationships and identity online and offline; also book about Consumer culture) is writing about disembodiment as a process where virtual identity divide from physical presence. So maybe is internet in field of identity fluidity next step of postmodern identity?

New technologies have a great impact on our life and it's not just technology the cause for society changes, but also consequence of them. And this blog will bring some critical writings about changes and about New media and society.

Thanks for reading!

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